Priyanka Chopra recently made her debut at the Cannes film festival with Husband Nick Jonas in a gold and black creation by Roberto Cavalli and now headed to Ethiopia for a Unicef event. The actress took to her instagram to share videos from the special gathering.
She shared a video Instagram story talking about Unicef’s education programme that is supporting the kids in Ethiopia, Addis Ababa. She said, “I want to highlight Unicef’s education programme when it comes to children and youth the country. There is a huge barrier when it comes to access to education for children because there are so many dropouts which begin as soon as kids start school. The primary education goes from Std 1 to Std 8 and secondary education is after that. We see dropouts from Std 1.”
The actress also shared several video from the school program and of the kids playing around and her other visits while in Ethiopia.
On the work front Priyanka will be seen in Shonali Bose’s Bollywood film The Sky Is Pink, along side Farhan Akhtar and Zaira Wasim. He next Hollywood project is with Mindy Kaling, which is reportedly based on big, fat Indian wedding.