Bollywood actress Janhvi Kapoor during lockdown is in a mood to cook something great. She baked her favorite special carrot cake and offered her sister Khushi Kapoor. Woefully Janhvi’s experiment failed to impress her sister. Because Khushi in no time disfavored the taste of the cake and returned it back saying, “It’s not good”.
The day Central government announced complete lockdown, due to corona virus people are in a complete house arrest. Amid Lockdown every celebrity is keeping themselves engaged in some or the other activities and also entertaining their fans. Some are indulged in cooking, so some are creating songs to keep people motivated and positive.
Meanwhile on the work front, Janhvi Kapoor will be next seen in The True Story of Gunjan Saxena, which, as the title suggests, is based on the story of India’s first Air Force woman officer who went to war. The movie will spotlight flight lieutenant Gunjan Saxena’s journey from becoming a pilot to leading India into the Kargil war of 1999 and emerging victorious, and will also focus on her relationship with her father, who was her pillar of strength.
Apart from this she will also be seen in Dostana 2, a romantic comedy film directed by Collin D’Cunha. Bankrolled by Dharma Productions, it is a standalone sequel of the 2008 romantic comedy Dostana. The film stars Kartik Aaryan and Janhvi Kapoor as siblings along with Laksh Lalwani as their mutual love.a Janhvi Kapoor’s Baked Carrot Cake For Her Sister.
Janhvi Kapoor’s Baked Carrot Cake For Her Sister Khushi