Malaika Arora and Arjun Kapoor made their relationship official when they first were spotted hand in hand at the special screening of Arjun’s India’s Most Wanted. Malaika has now made their relationship official on Instagram by posting a picture with Beau.
Day before yesterday two were spotted at air port early morning heading for a vacation for Arjun’s birthday. The earlier went on a trip together to Maladives but didn’t post pictures together however things are different this time.
Malaika treats their fans to a picture together on his birthday and shared a special wish for him. They can be seen holding hands and taking a sunset walk. Arjun is sporting a casual look in black tee and blue jeans while Malaika is wearing a white tube top with a stripped Jacket and pants.
The post’s comments section was later flooded with love for the two and birthday wishes for Arjun. Fans have been early waiting for either of them to post a picture together.