Big-screen actor Abhay Deol makes his digital debut with Netflix original movie Chopsticks, also starring the internet’s favourite girl-next-door, Mithila Palkar and veteran Vijay Raaz. The digital film streams on 31st May 2019.
The official handle of Netflix India dropped the trailer and stream date on social media. It said, “What’s the connection between a goat, an angry girl, an Artist and Chopsticks? Find out 31st May”
The quirky story is directed by Sachin Yardi and produced by Ashvini Yardi. The film is being launched under Netflix’s “See What’s Next: Asia” initiative.
In the film, Mithila Palkar plays Nirma Shahastra Buddhe, a multilingual timid tour guide; Abhay Deol, a charming conman; Vijay Raaz, a goat-loving gangster and of course the love of his life – a goat.
Nirma’s life takes a strange turn when her new red car gets stolen by Raaz and she has to seek help from Deol, a charming yet cunning conman. The real twist in the tale arrives when Raaz doesn’t steal the car to sell it for a profit but steals for his goat!
The film is slated to release on the streaming platform on May 31.
Chopsticks Streaming Date Confirmed, Starring Abhay Deol, Mithila Palkar And Vijay Raaz
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