Recently filmmaker Sanjay Gupta announced his next film with T-series starring John Abraham and Emraan Hashmi in the leading roles, but the film was untitled, until now. The makers are out with entire ensemble details and sneak-peek into the story of the film.
The film is titled Mumbai Saga, starring John Abraham, Emraan Hashmi, Jackie Shroff, Suniel Shetty, Rohit Roy, Gulshan Grover, Prateik Babbar, Amol Gupte and more. The film serves are comeback of Sanjay Gupta to gangster genre.
T-series head honcho Bhushan Kumar dropped the details on the film. He shared a picture of entire ensemble and captioned it, “Our first cinematic take on gangster drama #MumbaiSaga is set in 80’s & 90’s notorious era. Happy to collaborate with @_SanjayGupta backed by power cast @TheJohnAbraham @emraanhashmi @bindasbhidu @SunielVShetty @rohitroy500 @GulshanGroverGG @prateikbabbar #AmolGupte @TSeries”
The story revolves around the key elements that turned Bombay into Mumbai, including the mill downing shutters, the murder of the key business man, the Nexus between the politicians, cops, the underworld and the business fraternity and the drama around the eventual changes in the city’s landscape.
The film is set in the 1980s-’90 s and revolves around all that went into transforming Bombay into Mumbai.
The two hero film is a chase drama of between the lead characters with one of them playing a cop, and other one being a gangster. Both John and Emraan will be presented in a larger-than-life avatar throughout.
Mumbai Saga Ensemble And Details Are Out
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