Dapper actor Arjun Kapoor was spotted at the launch of Emporio Armani’s new collection in the city and he looked totally suave. During her media interaction, the actor said his sisters are more appreciated for their style than him.
2 States actor Arjun graced the Emporio Armani fashion event dressed in a navy blue blazer with a black button-down shirt and a black hat. He teamed this with a pair of white sneakers.
When asked about his style statement, Arjun Kapoor quipped, “I guess my sisters are more appreciated for their style statement. My fashion mantra, I think believe in yourself, follow your impulse, do what you feel is right, because people would keep saying stuff, they would suggest many things, you know try this or that, but in the end, you should be comfortable”
“I see a lot of people who try stuff on other people’s suggestion, which might not suit them. I’d always done things which I felt suited me because you know yourself better than anyone else. And I guess that has been always my mantra” he added.
Sonam Kapoor and Janhvi Kapoor, sisters of Arjun Kapoor keep making headlines for their stunning stylish outfits. On the work front, Arjun will be seen in three movies this year; Sandeep Pinky Aur Faraar, India’s Most Wanted and Panipat.
Talking about his first ever period movie, Panipat, Arjun said, “It is such an exciting film; we’re done with 60% of the shooting, within next two months the shoot will be over. And by the end of this year, it will be out”
Panipat is an upcoming historical period drama film directed by Ashutosh Gowarikar. It stars Sanjay Dutt, Arjun Kapoor, and Kriti Sanon and is set to release on 6 December 2019.
My Sisters Are More Appreciated For Style, Than Me Says Arjun Kapoor