Salman Khan gearing up for the trailer release of ‘Bharat’ has unveiled a fitness brand titled, ‘Being Strong.’
The actor earlier asked his fans to wait for an announcement on Tuesday and later shared a post revealing the new venture. The tweet read, “Launching @beingstrongind for all your fitness needs! Let’s #BeStrong together! Video Credits: @HaiderKhanMe”
The actor has joined an association with equipment company Jerai Fitness Pvt Ltd. The company’s equipment will henceforth be branded as Being Strong.
The actor in the video can be seen working out on the newly branded equipment and flexing his muscles. Towards the end of the video, Salman says, ‘Just be strong’.
Salman Khan who will be seen with Katrina will return to screen with her in the third installment of the Tiger series.
Currently, the two are bust with preparation for Bharat. The film is an official adaptation of a 2014 South Korean film “Ode To My Father”. It is produced by Atul Agnihotri’s Reel Life Production Pvt Ltd and Bhushan Kumar’s T-Series.
The film also stars Sunil Grover, Disha Patani, Tabu and Nora Fatehi, among others. It is slated for an Eid release in 2019.