On-screen character Satinder Sartaj will be seen trying the part of Maharaja Duleep Singh in the forthcoming film The Dark Ruler. To pay reverence to the late Ruler, Satinder went by the grave of Maharaja Duleep Singh in Elveden, Norfolk, where he was covered with his family as a Christian.During the film’s examination, the producers came to realize that he turned into a Sikh before he kicked the bucket in Paris.
Take at look at the video of Satinder Sartaj paying reverence at the Maharaja’s grave:
The Grave of Maharajah Duleep Singh at Elveden, England
The #Grave of #MaharajahDuleepSingh , #Elveden,Norfolk, where he was buried with his family as a Christian although during the research of #TheBlackPrince we came to know that he became Sikh before he died in Paris. I went to pay #Homage & honored by the coverage of National Media of #England. ? #SatinderSartaaj
Posted by Satinder Sartaaj on Thursday, June 22, 2017
This film will exhibit the untold story of the last leader of Punjab, Maharaja Duleep Singh and the sad high points and low points that this last beneficiary of the wealthiest kingdom of India needed to experience.
Maharaja Duleep Singh was the motivational compel behind Indian flexibility battle and relatively few think about it in light of the fact that the then English rulers, dreading his identity impact, didn’t give him introduction to his local land and rather restricted him in the regions of English kingdom.