Ekta Kapoor’s another Epic show ‘Chandra Nandini’ to be launched soon in Star Plus, The show is a recorded dramatization in view of the life of Chandragupta Maurya, the organizer of the Maurya Empire and the principal sovereign to bring together the north and south-west of present-day India. The show is created by Balaji Telefilms, and Rajat Tokas of ‘Jodha Akbar’ popularity will play the character of Chandragupta Maurya. Jineet Rath expositions the part of Chandragupta while Shweta Basu Prasad will play Nandini. The arrangement likewise highlights Tanu Khan, Manoj Joshi, Arpit Ranka and Papiya Sengupta in critical parts. The primary promo of the arrangement is as of now out, and it is said to be shot in Patna. As ‘Chandra Nandini’ is set to air at 8.30 p.m., the eventual fate of the current show ‘Humko Tumse Ho Gaya Hai Pyaar Kya Karein’ is obscure.
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