We have the news of Veebha Anand, she will be joining the cast of Vikram Bhatt’s Twisted 2, Veebha who got renowned with her performance in Balika Vadhu has assumed numerous noteworthy parts on TV like Sanskaar Laxmi, Shree, Kairi, Mahabharat, Kaisi Yeh Yaariaan, Begusaraai, Karamphal Data Shani and Aarambh. We hear that Veebha will assume one of indispensable parts in the arrangement, that of a wrongdoing journalist. This will be Veebha’s first arrangement on the advanced stage.
“With the shoot being on for Twisted 2, there’s a great deal of buzz and desires around the new period of the especially refreshing Vikram Bhatt arrangement. Despite the fact that Veebha is ready, her shoot will begin in few days time.” Whenever reached, Veebha affirmed the news yet declined to dive into points of interest. We hummed Producer Vikram Bhatt, yet couldn’t get return. As we probably am aware, Twisted has Niaa Sharma and Rahul Raj as leads with Dilnaz Irani playing an extremely vital character. Contorted 2 is being coordinated by Anupam Santosh Saroj.