Kiara Advani has Kabir Singh, Good News and Laxmmi Bomb in her Kitty and now the stunning and talented actress confirms her new project, titled Indoo Ki Jawani with Emmay Entertainment.
Indoo Ki Jawani, starring Kiara Advani in the lead role, is a coming-of-age comedy and will see the actor playing the role of Indoo Gupta, a feisty girl from Ghaziabad, whose left and right swipes with a dating app results in hilarious chaos.
Kiara Advani took to her social media accounts to share the news. “#IndooKiJawani – My first In and As. So so so excited!!! Here’s to #GirlPower. Going to need all your love and support for this one…My first collaboration with @emmayentertainment @nikkhiladvani Sir @madhubhojwani @onlyemmay @ashesinwind @ryanmstephen92 @abirsenguptaa and it doesn’t get more special than Indooooooo”
The official handle of Emmay Entertainment wrote, “It’s a Match! We are glad to announce our next with @Advani_Kiara, #IndooKiJawani to be directed by @AbirSenguptaa. Watch this space for more. @nikkhiladvani @monishaadvani @madhubhojwani @ashesinwind @ryanmstephen”
Indoo Ki Jawani will go on floors in September this year. The film is produced by Emmay Entertainment’s Monisha Advani, Madhu Bhojwani and Nikkhil Advani along with Niranjan Iyengar and Ryan Stephen.