Veteran actor Anupam Kher has been quite active on social media. He keeps sharing his thoughts on various issues through videos. Today Anupam shared a video on his Instagram handle and spoke few motivational lines on life.
The ‘Wednesday’ actor squeezing out a deep thought said that the person doesn’t breaks down due to outside challenges, in fact, he diminishes due to his inner weakness.
Anupam expressed his thoughts by giving an example of a pebble in a shoe, he said, “Friends if there are pebbles on the road you can walk easily on it wearing a good shoe. But if there is one pebble also in the shoe, then to walk on the smooth road also you will find it difficult. Hence the outcome is that the person doesn’t break down due to outside challenges, in fact, he diminishes due to his inner weakness.”
Adding to it he captioned his post “An intelligent person must have understood, but those who have not, they are naïve (Samjhane Wale Samajh Gaye! Jo Naa Samjhe Vo Annadi Hai)” #ThoughtOfTheDay
Anupam keeps sharing photos, videos, and memes on his Instagram handle. Amid lockdown, he left no stone to entertain his fans. Besides this, the actor in coronavirus lockdown has been sharing motivational videos on his Instagram profile. The actor has been actively spreading awareness regarding coronavirus.
Meanwhile, on the work front, Anupam Kher was last seen in the movies ‘Hotel Mumbai’, ‘One Day: Justice Delivered’ and ‘The Accidental Prime Minister’.